Paladin: Galactic Gladiators: House of Rone #4 Read online

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  “There will be a special VIP party after the fight,” Toren said.

  She focused on the arena floor. Raiden and Jax flew across the sand, weapons a blur, cloaks flying behind them.

  “Alev has accepted an invitation to the party,” Toren continued.

  Simone tore her gaze away from the fight. “I’m coming.”

  “I thought you might say that.” He squeezed her fingers. “I’d prefer that you were nowhere near him, but I understand the need to help. We’ll find out what he knows, I promise you. We’ll find Bari Batu and Bellamy.”

  Simone nodded.

  His eyes glinted. “I will do whatever I have to do to stop the Edull.”

  Chapter Seven

  Toren had never seen anything like this party before.

  It was being held inside a building that was part of the Dark Nebula Casino complex. This building wasn’t as tall as the main Dark Nebula skyscraper, but it was still large, several stories high, and cavernous.

  The walls were all glass, showcasing the lights of the District beyond. Inside, the space was crisscrossed with wide walkways—some flat, some on a gradient. Plants were everywhere—climbing the walls, tangled around railings, vines falling from the upper levels like waterfalls.

  There were actually two waterfalls. The long, slender columns of water fell through the center of the space and into a pool on the ground level.

  Plants and waterfalls were a huge extravagance for a desert planet, but he knew that Rillian was beyond wealthy. Guests, dressed in their glittering finest, walked around in awe, nursing fancy drinks.

  Toren reached out and stroked the leaves of one glossy plant. Some of the plants were holograms, but not all of them. Large, red flowers the size of his hands bloomed on the vine, their scent swamping him. But this time, he didn’t fight it, instead he absorbed all the sensations.

  He touched one wide bloom and imagined the flower tucked behind Simone’s ear— the red vibrant against her black hair.

  Turning, he spotted her unerringly in the crowd. He was on a walkway above hers, which gave him a good vantage point. He swallowed, the sight of her like a punch to his gut. She’d changed since the arena fight, and now wore a column of royal blue. It shimmered around her body under the lights.

  Heat pushed through him. She was so beautiful. He’d wanted to stay away from her, but he just couldn’t.

  “Doing okay?” a deep voice said.

  Toren looked away and turned to Magnus beside him. “So far. It was a good fight.”

  “It was entertaining to be in the arena.” The imperator looked around, spotting Galen across the walkway. “I need to speak with Galen.” Magnus lowered his voice to almost sub-vocal levels, so only a cyborg could pick it up. “Any sign of Erroth? Rillian assured me that he was invited.”

  Toren shook his head. “Not yet. You heard that Simone recognized him?”

  Magnus nodded. “Keep an eye out for him.”

  As Magnus walked away, Toren looked for Simone again. She was by herself, sipping her drink by the walkway railing.

  He walked down, taking the stairs to her walkway. “Hi.”

  She turned. “Hi.”

  “Enjoying the party?”

  “This place is amazing.” Her gaze lifted to the soaring ceiling above and the waterfalls of plant life. “Grace is having a blast.” Her gaze dropped downward.

  Several levels down, Toren easily spied Grace and some other children from the House of Rone on the dance floor. Grace was all wild moves, and flapping arms and legs.

  “Ah, I am no expert on dancing, but she has some unique moves.”

  Simone laughed. “She’s exactly like me. Totally no rhythm.”

  “But when you walk, you’re so graceful.”

  Her gaze flicked up to his and something twisted inside him.

  “Hello, Simone.” A female voice interrupted. “We wanted to say hello and welcome you to Carthago.”

  Toren recognized the group of women—the Earth women from the House of Galen. “Simone, this is Harper, Regan, Rory, and Madeline.”

  “Hi.” The redheaded Rory held up two drinks. “I’d shake, but this a rare night away from my little boy. I’m making the most of being free. And Mia wanted to come and say hi, but she’s down there doing her thing.” Rory nodded her head at the blonde woman singing by the dance floor.

  “It’s lovely to meet you all,” Simone said.

  “When your gladiator discovers you knocking back cocktails like water, you won’t be free anymore,” Harper said dryly to Rory.

  The brunette often fought in the arena alongside her mate, Raiden. Her one-shouldered dress showcased her toned arms and her brown hair was pulled up in a fancy twist.

  Rory took a gulp of one of her drinks. “My man can be a stickler for the rules—” she leaned in close to Simone “—but he loves drunken sex.”

  Snorts and laughter erupted around them and Toren blinked. Did women talk about sex like this all the time?

  A blonde woman elbowed Rory out of the way. “Hi, I’m Regan.”

  Toren’s gaze dropped to where the woman cradled her expanding belly.

  “You’re expecting a child,” he said.

  Regan shot him a beaming grin. “I sure am, but this bub is getting huge. I swear I get bigger every day.”

  “And Thorin has turned into a big, overprotective crazy man.” Madeline’s dark hair swung along her jaw line. “I’m surprised he let you out of his sight.”

  “Good luck with your pregnancy,” Simone said.

  “You have a daughter,” Madeline said. “How is she settling in?”

  Simone smiled. “Wonderfully.” She glanced at Toren. “Everyone at the House of Rone has been amazing, and Grace loves it here.”

  Rory smacked one of Toren’s arms. “All these gladiators and cyborgs are protective to the bone.” She frowned at Toren. “Or metal. Is your skeleton bone or metal?”

  “I have bones,” Toren said.

  “Really?” Rory said in a musing tone.

  Suddenly, a big, bare-chested gladiator barged into the group and lifted Regan off her feet.

  “Thorin, this is Simone.” Regan gripped her mate’s shoulders.

  The rugged gladiator grunted, nodded at Simone, then carried Regan away. She waved over his shoulder.

  The other women all laughed.

  “He’s both happy about their baby and completely freaked out.” Harper smiled. “It was great to meet you. Drop by any time.”

  The women all said goodbye before heading off.

  “They’re happy,” Simone said quietly.

  “They appear to be,” Toren said.

  “They suffered, were ripped from everything they knew.” She gripped the railing, her knuckles turning white. “But they’ve made a family here, a new life.”

  “You can too, Simone.” He had to touch her, to find some way to comfort her. He wrapped his hand over hers.

  She bit her lip, her eyes shimmering.

  Toren reached out and pulled her into his arms. It felt so natural, so right. She pressed her face to his chest, then she let out a breath and relaxed against him.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she murmured. “Neither of us wants this.”

  But he didn’t pull away, and she didn’t either. Sensations moved through him, and he liked them. He liked the feel of her.

  Standing there with Simone in his arms, he felt a moment of peace that he hadn’t had since he’d been injured.

  But then the world was blasted by an explosion below.

  “Toren!” she cried.

  The walkway beneath them rocked wildly and screams echoed around the party.

  Protect her. Toren wrapped his arms around Simone and held on tight.

  * * *

  Fear slammed into Simone. God, she couldn’t breathe.

  She felt like claws were wrapped around her throat, and a flashback tore through her—of when the Thraxians attacked the Helios.

  She squeezed her eyes

  “It’ll be okay, Simone.” Toren’s strong voice echoed in her ear. “I’ll protect you.”

  She pushed into him, grateful for his strong arms around her. More explosions rocked the walkway.

  “Grace!” Simone cried in horror.

  “We’ll find her. Hang on.”

  Across from them, one of the other walkways broke with a shattering sound. Guests screamed as they clung to metal and glass.

  Two guests—a man and a woman—fell, plummeting downward.

  Simone’s belly locked. Oh, no.

  Down below, a blue-skinned, tattooed gladiator powered through the crowd and leaped into the air. He caught the pair in his brawny arms.

  Thank God.

  “Where’s Grace?” Adrenaline spiked through her, making her heart thunder. Where was her daughter?

  Together, she and Toren peered over the railing.

  Plants had fallen down, covering the floor. She saw gladiators herding people off the dance floor.

  Where are you, Gracie? “Do you see her?”

  “No.” Toren’s face was grim.

  They scanned around, and that’s when Simone spotted Alev.

  “Toren, look.”

  The man, his hair in its distinctive twists, opened the side door on one walkway. Several dog-like robots slunk through the doorway.

  Toren’s jaw went tight. “He’s working with the Edull.”

  She’d seen that style of construction before—bots made by the Edull.

  He tugged her away from the railing. “Come on.”

  They headed down the walkway, toward some stairs. But they hadn’t gone far when the walkway tipped, jerking beneath their feet. Simone screamed and Toren scooped her into his arms.

  He broke into a run, and this time, her scream got trapped in her throat.

  Ahead of them, she saw the walkway falling away in pieces. They were going to fall!

  Then suddenly, Toren was airborne, leaping high into the air.

  She clutched his shoulders and tried not to panic. Her heart flew into her throat.

  He landed on a neighboring walkway with a bend of his knees.

  Thank God. Simone glanced down and spotted Grace, one level below them. But several of the dog-like bots raced across the space, circling the little girl.

  “No.” Simone gasped, watching the mechanical creatures snapping their jaws and snarling. “Toren!”

  The robots were made of rusted plates of metal and bright, shiny bolts. A horrid taste filled her mouth.

  Grace grabbed a chair and swung it at one of the robots.

  “I’ll get her.” Toren pressed a hand to the railing and leaped over it.

  Simone leaned forward and watched as he dropped down. He landed in a crouch and then was up and running to Grace.

  One dog bot flew at him and he grabbed it, then tore it apart. He flung the scrap metal to the floor.

  A commotion broke out on the edge of the dance floor. Simone spotted Jax and Mace yanking swords from their belts, heading in Toren’s direction. A body leaped down from above and Simone gasped. Acton landed right beside Toren and attacked the bots.

  Toren reached Grace and Simone let out a breath. Thank you, God. She knew he’d protect her. She knew in her heart that he’d give his life to keep Grace safe.

  He lifted a boot and kicked a robot. Another leaped into the air and he grabbed it, then crunched it into a ball.

  Her pulse spiked. She hadn’t realized how strong he was.

  Grace tugged him away from the incoming bots and toward a long bar. Simone saw her daughter grab some bottles, then bend over them with fierce concentration. What was she doing?

  Toren kicked some more dog bots back. Then Grace shoved something at Toren. After that, she turned and threw a bottle into the air.

  “What the—?”

  The bottle exploded, slamming some of the robots into each other.

  Simone groaned. Grace had made some bombs.

  Toren tossed some of his bottles as well. More explosions rocked the room, tossing several bots into the air.

  Yes! She grinned, watching her daughter side by side with Toren. More gladiators and black-suited security guards pushed through the crowd, weapons raised.

  All of a sudden, the railing under Simone’s hands moved and shifted.

  What the hell? She stumbled back.

  She watched in horror as the railing pulled upright, bending and changing shape. She gasped. It was some sort of bot.

  The metal railing transformed into a long, stick-like bot. It rose up on long legs, its long arms held up like weapons.

  Its head swiveled, glowing, gold eyes focusing on her.

  She tasted bile. It was another Edull construction. She took off her shoe and threw it at the bot.

  Around her, she heard guests screaming and bumping into each other.

  “Get back.” She pointed toward one end of the walkway. “Go!”

  Simone took a few steps, excruciatingly aware that the walkway was missing its railing. It was a long fall to the ground below.

  The bot darted forward, swinging one long arm. Shit. Simone ducked.

  She had to get off this walkway.

  The bot turned, focusing on some other guests.

  “Run!” she yelled.

  She spun and saw some pieces of metal that had fallen from the ruined railing. She snatched up a short length of metal. As the bot came at her again, she brandished it.

  “Screw you.” She swung the pole and it collided with the bot. She pulled back and swung again.

  This was an Edull creation. Hate roared through her. She swung the pole, again and again.

  Metal crunched. The bot drew back but she moved after it, smacking it again. The metal on the bot dented and she felt a savage sense of satisfaction.

  The bot paused, the lights on its head blinking.

  Then it rushed at her.

  Oh, hell. She stepped back, lifting the pole. The damn bot was way faster than she’d guessed.

  It swung its arm again, knocking the pole out of her hand. The length of metal clattered on the walkway. Simone stumbled back, and her foot hit the edge of the walkway. She teetered.

  Oh. God.

  She dropped to her knees and scrambled to grab the dropped pole. As the bot swiveled, she reared up and jammed the pole into the construct’s midsection.

  “You are not going to kill me, asshole.” She rammed the pole deeper, sparks flying.

  The bot thrust out an arm, smacking into her shoulder. Simone grunted, pain rocketing through her. The construct made a harsh, metallic sound and shoved forward.

  Simone slid backward. This time, she couldn’t stop herself. She was right at the edge of the walkway.

  Crap. She windmilled her arms, teetering. She was going to fall. No, no.

  Suddenly, a heavy weight pushed up behind her, shoving her back onto the walkway.

  She felt Toren’s body pressed behind hers.

  He grabbed her, took a millisecond to study her, then he rose, and launched himself at the bot.

  Simone bit her lip, scrambling on the floor to find her pole.

  Toren slammed into the bot, his punches and kicks a blur. The bot staggered back and Toren leaped on it. He grabbed one long, metallic arm and wrenched it off the bot.

  The construct made a metallic screech, then lashed out wildly. It bucked Toren off and he slammed into the walkway on his knees.

  Simone rushed in and swung the pole. It cracked against the bot.

  It gave Toren enough time to jump up. He leaped on top of the bot, gripped its head, and ripped it off with a vicious roar.

  The bot’s body collapsed and Toren jumped off, landing beside Simone. He flung the destroyed head away. His chest heaved, his fists clenching and unclenching.

  “Toren.” She rushed to him, throwing her arms around him.

  She hugged him tight, feeling him struggle for control.

  “I’m here,” she said. “You saved us.”

bsp; He lifted his head, his eyes glowing gold as he stared at her.

  Then his mouth was on hers, kissing her hard and deep. She clung to him, kissing him back.

  “Mom! Toren!”

  Simone lifted her head and saw Grace running down the walkway toward them.

  Her daughter didn’t slow down, she just slammed into them. Toren wrapped his arms around both of them.

  Chapter Eight

  Toren pulled the covers up over an exhausted Simone. Grace was snuggled in beside her mother in the big bed, fast asleep.

  The adrenaline crash had hit the pair as they’d returned to the House of Rone from the aftermath of the party. He’d had a healer look at the scratch and bruise on Simone’s shoulder, then he’d put them both to bed.

  He looked at Simone’s face now. She had a small scratch on her cheek. A blight on her skin.

  Anger coiled. He left quietly, closing the door behind him. The Edull had to be stopped. He wouldn’t let them keep hurting people. Hurting Simone and Grace.

  During the fight, Toren had used his anger as fuel. He hadn’t fought it or blocked it, and it had helped him.

  He saw Jax waiting for him in the hall.

  “How are they?” the cyborg asked.

  “All right,” Toren replied. “Shaken up, but asleep now.”

  Jax fell into step with him.

  “I’ll do anything to protect them.” Toren squeezed his hands into fists.

  Jax nodded. “I understand. I feel the same way about Quinn. All these survivors from Earth… They ignite the need to protect them.” A smile curved Jax’s mouth. “Even when they fight so drakking hard to protect themselves.”

  Toren smiled back. “Grace passed me explosives during the fight. She’d made them from drinks at the bar.”

  His fellow cyborg laughed and shook his head. “Full of surprises.” Then his face turned serious. “Magnus wants to debrief.”

  They headed to Magnus’ office, and inside, the imperator was pacing by the windows, radiating anger.

  He turned. “The Edull have run out of chances.”

  Mace, Acton, and Zaden were there as well. All the cyborgs nodded.

  “This was clearly a targeted attack on the House of Rone.” Magnus’ chest rose and fell. “They are trying to scare us, or at least keep us busy so we can’t find Bari Batu.”