Paladin: Galactic Gladiators: House of Rone #4 Read online

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  He cocked his head. “Really?”

  “I shouldn’t, but you have a very attractive body, Toren.”

  He shifted again on the stool. “Simone…”


  “Could I see more of you?” he whispered.

  God. Desire was a rush inside her. This was wrong. She didn’t want any sort of dalliance with any man. And Toren was still coming to terms with everything he was feeling.

  But it had been so long since she’d felt like this.

  “Have you seen a woman before?” she asked. “I mean, have you ever had—?”

  “Sexual intercourse? No.”

  Oh. Her belly coiled. A virgin cyborg. A hot, gorgeous virgin cyborg.

  Simone sat up, bubbles clinging to her skin.

  He shifted closer to the tub. “Simone, you are very beautiful.” His voice was lower, gritty with need. “Can I touch you?”

  She should tell him to go, tell him to leave. Instead she bit her lip and nodded.

  He reached out and cupped her breast.

  She moaned and he froze.

  “No,” she said. “It feels good.”

  “You are very well made, Simone. Long, elegant.” He cupped the other breast, seemingly fascinated with her nipples. He played with them until they tightened.

  “That’s a response,” she said. “To cold, or arousal.”

  He made a hungry sound.

  She glanced down and saw the bulge in the front of his trousers. His abdomen was pulled tight.

  “Are you aroused, Toren?”

  “My cock is very hard.” His gaze met hers and it was burning.

  She leaned up and gently tugged his head down to hers. Their lips met, a gentle exploration, sipping at each other.

  Simone let out a breath. “You should know that I’m not very good at this.”

  “How do you know?”

  She gave a harsh laugh. “My ex-husband took great pleasure in telling me that I’m boring and not very good in bed. He cheated on me repeatedly with other women.”

  Toren tilted his head, his thumb flicking across her nipple. She gasped.

  “You appear very responsive. In my experience, people who talk most about their own abilities, and the lack in others, are often hiding their own inadequacies.” He smiled. “Usually this is in reference to their fighting prowess, but it applies to other skills too.”

  She fought back a laugh. How could this cyborg make her feel so at ease, so amazing?

  She rose up on her knees and kissed him.

  Her wet chest was plastered against his bare skin. Their kiss was a little clumsy at first, then they found their groove. Tongues tangled and plunged deep. Simone felt like she was going up in flames.

  Then he yanked away. He was breathing harshly.

  She pressed a hand to her chest. She’d never felt desire and need like this. She felt so alive. With her ex, she’d never felt a fraction of this.

  Toren stood and staggered. His face was twisted, looking conflicted.

  Oh, God. Her belly ramped. “Toren, did I hurt you? Are you okay?” She held out a hand.

  He shook his head and stepped backward. “It’s too much. Too many emotions.” He hung his head, his chin hitting his chest. “I want less of these, not more.” His voice was harsh. “I don’t want this.”

  He didn’t want her.

  It was like a knife to her belly, but Simone knew it was for the best. “Of course.” She tucked her hand back into the water. “I understand.”

  He looked at her with pain and confusion in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Simone…”

  “Go.” She hoped he didn’t hear the way her voice cracked.

  He watched her for a moment. “I—”

  “Just go,” she said again.

  He turned and left the room like desert beasts were chasing him.

  And somehow, this felt a hundred times worse than when her lying, cheating husband had left her.

  Simone sank down in the cooling water and squeezed her eyes shut.

  Chapter Six

  Lying in his bed, Toren tried to shake off his restless night’s sleep.

  All he could think about was Simone. Her slender arms, the smooth slope of her shoulders, her pale skin, and the soft shape of her breasts in his hands.

  He swallowed a groan.

  He remembered every second of their kiss—the heat, the hunger, the need.

  His cock throbbed painfully, something he’d never had to deal with before. Anytime he looked at Simone, he realized that he felt this heaviness between his legs.

  Swallowing, he dragged in a deep breath, and let his emotions spill over him.

  Drak. They were unfamiliar and intense, but they felt…good.

  Blood rushed through his body and his hand drifted down his stomach. Following his instincts, he circled his cock. He was so hard. He wanted Simone. He wanted to see more of her, feel more of her. He started to stroke, and his next groan was long and loud.

  Toren tugged on his cock, his mind filled with Simone. Oh, drak, that felt good. Sensations, white and hot, cut through him. How could it hurt and feel good at the same time?

  His strokes became more urgent. “Simone.” Pleasure hit him in a rush. He groaned as his cock spilled, spraying over his belly.

  Panting, he flopped back on the bed.

  By the sword. He threw an arm over his face, trying to calm his breathing. He’d felt dull flashes of appreciation before—when he’d seen a beautiful woman or a well-formed gladiator.

  But this…

  He’d never felt this before.

  And he’d never stroked himself to completion before.

  There was a knock at his door and he quickly flicked the sheet over his damp body. “Yes?”

  “Toren, we have a meeting with Magnus in Ever’s sitting room.” Mace’s deep voice.

  “I’ll be there,” Toren answered.

  He wasted no time stepping under the shower and dressing. He shoved his unruly desires aside and tried to find some focus as he headed down the corridor. When he entered Ever’s sitting room, Magnus was sprawled in an armchair, his tiny daughter at his feet.

  Mace stood against the wall, Acton sat in a chair, and Jax was by the window. Zaden stood behind Acton’s chair while Seren paced the room, eyeing little Asha like she was a ticking bomb. The baby offered the female cyborg a toothless grin.

  “Toren.” Magnus nodded, eyeing him carefully. “All right, let’s get started.”

  “We have more info on the Edull ally,” Jax said.

  Toren’s muscles tightened.

  Another man stepped out of the shadows at the edge of the room. Toren realized he hadn’t known the man was there, and he scowled. His response to Simone had him really losing his edge.

  The newcomer wore a suit, and radiated wealth and power. Rillian—owner of the Dark Nebula Casino.

  “I received more information about the auction. The two Edull attended with this man.” Rillian touched something in his pocket and an image projected into the air.

  The three-dimensional image was the profile of a man. He looked young and flashy, with his long, brown hair pulled up in elaborate twists on his head. He had a faint, silvery pattern on his skin.

  “Alev Erroth,” Rillian said. “The son of a wealthy factory owner here in Kor Magna. He’s been trying to make a name for himself.” Rillian raised a dark brow. “He’s renowned for his partying and sleeping around, and spending his father’s money, and up until now, that’s been about it.”

  “Seren, I want you to follow the man,” Magnus ordered.

  The female cyborg nodded.

  “Don’t let him see you.”

  Seren made a scoffing sound. “That would never happen.”

  Magnus smiled. “Report back when you find something. And don’t scare him too badly.”

  Seren’s lips curved before she turned and strode out.

  “Where is this Alev now?” Toren asked.

  “Receiving my invitation to today
’s exhibition match in the Kor Magna Arena,” Rillian said.

  “Good.” Magnus picked up a fussy Asha, sitting the little girl on his lap. She grabbed her father’s hair and tugged hard enough to make Toren wince. Magnus just stroked his daughter’s cheek.

  “There is no way that a man like Alev would miss an exhibition match between the House of Rone and the House of Galen,” Rillian said.

  Toren knew that if Rillian was hosting the event, it would certainly be a good show. The casino owner generally spared no expense. Exhibition matches were pure displays of skill with no official winner.

  Rillian smiled. “I’ve also gotten special dispensation for cyborgs to be in several of the matches.”

  Jax pushed away from the window. “Really?” He grinned.

  Magnus shook his head. “Is there anything you can’t do, Rillian?”

  The casino owner headed for the door. “Of course not.” He paused, sliding his hands into the pockets of his dark trousers, his face turning serious. “That includes helping you take down the Edull and their abomination of a battle arena. We stopped the Thraxians, and we’ll also stop the Edull.”

  “Thank you, Rillian,” Magnus said.

  With a nod, the casino owner left.

  Magnus stood, resting Asha on his hip. “Jax, Mace, and Acton, you’re with me for the exhibition fights.”

  Toren stiffened.

  Magnus looked at him. “I’m sorry, Toren. You can’t be a part of the exhibition fight right now. Nor you, Zaden.”

  The young, powerful cyborg just nodded. His enhancements kept his enormous telekinetic power in check.

  But Toren felt a punch of emotion, and fought it down until he managed a nod.

  “I’d like you both to keep an eye on Alev and watch for any sign of the Edull.” Magnus scowled. “They haven’t instigated any new revenge attacks, but it’s only a matter of time.”

  Drak. Toren knew the arena crowd was the perfect target for the Edull and their bots to cause harm and destruction.

  “And watch the House of Rone women,” Magnus said.

  Toren nodded. That meant watching Simone.

  His cock throbbed and he hoped that nobody noticed.

  * * *

  “I don’t know about this.”

  “Come on, Mom.” Grace bounced on her feet. “It’ll be fun.”

  Ever touched Simone’s arm. “It will be fun. Fights in the arena always are.”

  Simone’s belly turned over. “I was at the Edull battle arena. It was horrific.” Nothing would ever make her forget the noise, the crashes, the screams of the crowd, the terrified cries of the injured racers.

  Ever squeezed. “God, Simone. I didn’t think. The Kor Magna Arena is nothing like that. Regular arena fights can get bloody, but nobody dies. This is an exhibition match, which is just a pure display of skill. The House of Galen are our friends.”

  “Please, Mom,” Grace begged.

  Simone didn’t want to disappoint her daughter. “Okay.”

  “Yay!” Grace threw her arms in the air. “I’m going to find Nemma.”

  “You’ll have fun, Simone,” Ever said. “I promise.”

  Not long afterward, Simone found herself seated in the stands of the Kor Magna Arena.

  She shifted on the stone bench, glancing around at the huge tiers of seating, all filled with cheering spectators. It was like a football game. The crowd surged and ebbed, food vendors wandered around, selling all kinds of alien snacks.

  Actually, she realized the place had a good feel. There was a pulse of healthy anticipation and energy. It was nothing like the Edull’s battle arena. There, the spectators wanted blood. She shivered. There, the blood-thirsty crowd was electrified by the crashes, the blood, and the deaths.

  Quinn stood close by, leaning against the railing. The woman looked relaxed, but Simone could tell the woman was on guard.

  Then Zaden and Toren arrived.

  Her belly tightened. She hadn’t seen him since yesterday, but she’d dreamed about him.

  God, they’d been hot, sweaty dreams. For the first time in forever, she’d stroked herself, coming on her fingers while chanting his name.

  Their gazes met. She managed a smile, and he nodded back.

  Then, when he turned to look at the arena, she released a breath.

  Jayna leaned forward, grinning at Simone. “So, what’s going on with you and our hot, blond cyborg?”

  The other women all turned to look, curiosity on their faces.

  “We’re friends.”

  Quinn snorted. “Heard that one before, from Sage. She’s now banging her cyborg daily.”

  Two pops of color appeared on Sage’s cheeks. “Not every day. Sometimes it’s twice or three times.”

  The women all burst into laughter.

  Simone smiled, but she felt a sharp sting of envy. The women were all so happy. They were all in love, and it radiated off each of them.

  She just wasn’t sure that she believed in that anymore. Michael had crushed her belief in love. Making herself vulnerable to another person while trying to navigate this new world sounded like a really bad idea.

  “We really are just friends.” She glanced at him and watched him talking with Zaden. “Besides, he doesn’t see me that way. He’s got so much to deal with, and he doesn’t want to add more emotion to how he’s feeling. Besides, as soon as the healers can fix his implants, he wants to be emotionless again.”

  Simone didn’t meet their gazes, but knew they were watching her. She felt like a specimen under a microscope.

  She cleared her throat. “Where’s Grace gone?” she asked, changing the subject. “I don’t want her to wander too far.”

  Ever turned her head. “There she is.”

  Simone spotted Grace and Nemma rushing over to Zaden and Toren. The two girls were eating some snacks.

  Zaden scooped Nemma up, settling the laughing girl on his shoulders. After watching Zaden, Toren lifted Grace off her feet. She giggled and he mimicked Zaden, and set Grace on his own broad shoulders. Simone watched her daughter, smiling and happy. Her heart throbbed.

  “Toren is very good with Grace,” Ever murmured.

  “Yes, he is.”

  Then suddenly, a long and mournful horn sounded out over the arena. The lights started to dim, and a blue-green glimmer appeared overhead. The crowd oohed, and Simone’s mouth dropped open.

  A nebula projected above the arena.

  “It looks like the ceiling at the Dark Nebula Casino.” Ever shook her head. “Rillian goes all out when he hosts any events.”

  “Isn’t that the truth.” A tall woman appeared in front of them, smiling.

  “Dayna!” Ever cried.

  The women all leaped up to hug the new arrival.

  “Although this was my idea.” The athletic brunette waved a hand at the nebula above them. “I’m claiming full credit.”

  “Simone,” Ever said, “this is Dayna, Rillian’s better half.”

  Another survivor from Fortuna Space Station. Simone shook the woman’s hand.

  “Glad to see you safe and well, Simone,” Dayna said.

  Down on the sand, Galen stepped out of a tunnel and onto the sand. He strode toward the center of the arena floor.

  The crowd went wild, leaping up and stamping their feet.

  More House of Galen gladiators followed the imperator out.

  “Here we go,” Quinn said.

  On the opposite side of the arena, House of Rone gladiators led by their champion, Xias, entered the arena, waving to the crowd.

  “Look!” someone yelled.

  A big body arrowed down from one of the high arena tiers. Magnus hit the sand in a crouch, then rose.

  More cyborgs dropped from the walls, landing on the arena floor.

  The entire crowd was on their feet, shouting and whistling.

  “The fans are going to tear the place apart,” Dayna shouted.

  Simone watched as the two houses squared off on the sand, the gladiators par
ticipating in some good-natured trash talk that made the fans hoot and holler. They all drew their weapons.

  Then Xias let out a loud battle cry, and they charged at each other.

  Simone watched the clash. Axes, swords, and staffs whirled and slashed. Her heart beat hard in her chest.

  Just an exhibition. No one would get hurt.

  “So, the Edull ally is here,” Quinn murmured. “His name is Alev Erroth.”

  Simone straightened. “Where is he?”

  “Up there.” Quinn subtly pointed to the VIP seats in the stands above them.

  Simone let her gaze drift across the crowd and settle on the man with the elaborate twists in his hair. She gasped. “I recognize him.”

  Quinn straightened. “Really?”

  Simone nodded. “He was at the Edull battle arena.”

  Quinn gripped her shoulder and squeezed. “Then we can use him to find it.” She paused. “Would he recognize you?”

  Simone shook her head. “I was just a slave among many, and he was a VIP guest.”

  The other woman nodded.

  Simone tried to pull her gaze off the man. The last thing she wanted was for him to know that he was being watched. She turned back to the arena floor, trying to focus on the fight. Grace and Nemma were pressed against the railing, shouting and cheering.

  Suddenly, a big body sat down beside hers. Toren.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing.” She took a deep breath and smelled his scent—masculine, woody. She was so aware of him.

  He doesn’t want you. She needed to remind herself of that.

  “Simone, I can tell that something’s wrong.”

  Damn, was she that obvious?

  Down on the sand, Magnus’ and Galen’s swords clashed. The crowd’s shouting was deafening as they cheered on the imperators.

  “Showoffs,” Ever said with a smile.

  “The flutterers will be out in force tonight, tossing panties at them,” Dayna noted dryly.

  “Simone.” Toren leaned closer, keeping his voice low.

  She huffed out a breath. “Fine. The Edull ally.” She turned, her lips only inches from Toren’s cheek. “I’ve seen him before, at Bari Batu.”

  Toren reached out and took her hand. She knew she should push him away, protect herself, her heart, and her own emotions, but instead, she held on tight.