Mission: Her Protection: Team 52 #1 Read online

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  “What’s going on?”

  Arlo didn’t reply.

  They burst out of the warehouse. The siren was louder and red emergency lights were blinking. What the hell?

  Across the room, the elevator doors opened, and Lachlan and his team strode out. They were all wearing black fatigues and holding their rifles.

  “Status?” Lachlan demanded.

  “What’s going on?” Rowan said again.

  Brooks ran out of the corridor, his face set in hard lines. Ty was right behind him, looking like a thundercloud about to let loose.

  “The Dorset artifact,” Ty said. “It’s gone.”

  * * *

  Lachlan was mad as hell. “Gone?”

  Ty rubbed a hand over his short hair. “It was in the lab, and now it’s not.”

  Lachlan swung his rifle up on his shoulder. “What happened?”

  A dark look settled on Ty’s face. “I saw it about twenty minutes ago. Damn thing was on the bench, then I went into my office to study some scans.”

  Lachlan swiveled to Brooks. “You access the lab entry records?”

  Brooks nodded. “I was monitoring comms for your training session when Ty alerted me, and I activated the alarm. I checked the records and security feed. No intruders.”

  Of course. Lachlan knew there was no way in hell anyone accessed the base. This had to be an inside job. Fuck.

  “Several airmen security guards were in and out of the lab.” Brooks scowled. “Camera was deliberately covered when the artifact went missing, and there are three airmen who could be responsible.”

  Lachlan shook his head. “Dammit.”

  “The guards had shift change fifteen minutes ago,” Brooks added.

  Lachlan cursed. Whoever was responsible had timed it well. “When’s the next flight to Vegas?”

  “Taking off now.”

  “Ground them.”

  “I already tried. Something is blocking communications with the plane. My guess, the perpetrator has a device that is disrupting the signal. They’ll switch it off once they’re out of range.”

  Fuck. “Fine. We’ll take the X8 and meet the plane when it lands. The three guards, run them. Look for any strange activity, especially financial.”

  Seth stepped forward. “You think whoever attacked Rowan got to someone here at base?”

  “Yeah.” Lachlan saw the worry on Rowan’s face.

  Soon, they were all crowded into Brooks’ computer room. The small space was covered in screens, one huge one on the wall at the front, and the rest were smaller ones filled with security feeds. There was a center counter, and Lachlan leaned against it as Brooks’ fingers danced over his tablet.

  This was Brooks’ domain. The former Naval Intelligence officer was magic with a computer.

  “Okay, here are the three airmen.” Brooks motioned at the big screen, and three pictures of people in Air Force uniforms appeared. “These people were all on duty, accessed the lab, and are now on the plane to Vegas. They’ve all had large funds placed into their personal accounts in the last few days.”

  One was a young man with a fresh face, while the other two looked more experienced. Which one was a traitor?

  “You track the money?” Lachlan asked.

  “Working on it. Airman Jacks is out.” Brooks tapped his tablet, and the young man’s picture disappeared. “He just came into some inheritance money from a deceased uncle.” Brooks blew out a breath. “The other two are trickier. The money came from offshore accounts.”

  Lachlan rapped his knuckles on the counter. “Anyone with family issues? Debts? Gambling problems?”

  “Airman Romano is happily divorced and has kids in college. His oldest just got married.”

  College was expensive, but Lachlan didn’t think that was enough to make a man turn traitor. “And Airman Kowalski?” He’d met the woman a few times and found her good at her job.

  Brooks’ face changed. “Sick kid. Her teenage daughter has Hepatitis C and needs a liver transplant.”

  Someone swore.

  “Just pulled the records,” Brooks said. “Looks like her daughter fell in with a bad crowd and had a drug addiction. Contracted Hepatitis from sharing needles, and by the time she was diagnosed, her liver was damaged. Kowalski and her husband have big medical bills.”

  Lachlan cursed. Whoever the bastards were who wanted the artifact, they’d preyed on a desperate woman. “Confirm that she got the money for stealing the artifact. We need to get back to Vegas and intercept. Brooks, find out who we’re dealing with.”

  The man nodded. “On it.”

  Lachlan looked at his team. “Let’s go.”

  Rowan stepped forward, and Lachlan shook his head. “You stay here where you’ll be safe.”

  She looked like she wanted to argue, but she finally nodded. “Be careful.”

  As his team moved out, Lachlan gave into the urge and yanked Rowan close. He pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

  Her eyes widened, and he noticed Brooks grinning and Arlo scowling. Then, he spun and marched out.

  Soon, he was in his usual seat as the X8 lifted off. He checked his watch again. As it stood, they would land at the same time as the plane. Once they were airborne, he rose and moved forward. Seth and Blair sat at the controls.

  “So…the lovely Dr. Schafer?” Seth drawled over his shoulder.

  “Shut it,” Lachlan said.

  “I like her,” Blair said. “She doesn’t fall apart when things go wrong, and I also like the way you look at her.”

  Lachlan frowned. He wasn’t aware he looked at her in a certain way. Well, except the “want-to-get-her-naked way” but he was sure Blair wasn’t talking about that.

  Seth shook his head. “Our work isn’t really conducive to relationships. Actually, relationships in general are best avoided. People always screw you over in the end.”

  Blair made a noise. “God, you are the least trusting person I know.”

  “Hazard of the job.”

  “Just because you waded through shark-infested, dirty waters for the CIA for too long doesn’t mean everyone is out to bite you in the ass, Lynch.”

  Seth lifted a shoulder.

  Blair met Lachlan’s gaze. “She looks at you like she can’t quite believe you’re real.”

  “She deserves better,” Lachlan said.

  Blair’s face twisted in anger. “You stop that right now. You aren’t your fucking father, Lachlan.”

  Seth was quiet a second. “You’re one of the best men I know.”

  Emotions rose in Lachlan and he ground his teeth together. He knew better than anyone that he could turn into what his father had been.

  Axel appeared beside Lachlan. “She’s pretty and smart. If you’re not interested, Hunter, I’ll ask her out.” Axel shot them all a lazy smile.

  Lachlan felt a nasty twist in his gut and glared at Axel. When they all laughed, Lachlan was done.

  “We have a job to do,” he said. “How about we focus on that?”

  Blair touched the controls. “Message from Brooks. He’s identified the guys who attacked Rowan. They work for the Red Wolves. Some sort of paramilitary group out to save the country from politicians.”

  Lachlan shifted. “Never heard of them.”

  “Real whack-jobs,” Blair said. “Capable of killing. They took some people hostage in Texas last year and made a real mess. Two civilians were killed.”

  Great. Mess was the last thing they needed. It meant innocent people would get hurt.

  “Looks like Treasure Hunter Security had a run in with some of the Red Wolves when they were doing security for an Ancestral Puebloan dig in New Mexico last year. Brooks thinks THS might have more info.”

  Treasure Hunter Security was a security company out of Denver specializing in providing security for archeological digs and expeditions. It was owned by the Ward family and they’d crossed paths with Team 52 a couple of times. While they weren’t enemies, they weren’t exactly friends either.

“I’ll give Declan Ward a call later,” Lachlan said.

  “Brooks also said the Red Wolves have an online following, and like making a lot of noise and big gestures,” Blair added.

  Lachlan frowned, something niggling at him. “Blackmailing the mother of a sick kid doesn’t sound like them. Too subtle.”

  “Could be they’re branching out?” Seth suggested. “And once they have the artifact, they’ll make a mess.”

  Maybe. Lachlan needed more intel on the Red Wolves. But right now, his first priority was recovering the artifact.

  Chapter Ten

  As the plane touched down on the tarmac, Rowan jerked awake. She turned her head and looked out the window.

  They were back in Las Vegas.

  She stared at the distinctive line of garishly lit casinos. She had the absurd thought that the Team 52 guys had the oddest commute.

  “Ready?” Natalie leaned forward in the seat beside Rowan. She was smiling, but looked tense. There had been no update before they’d left the base.

  Since the artifact had been stolen and Team 52 had left, the vibe around the base had not been good—and that was putting it mildly. When the plane finished taxiing and stopped, she followed Natalie down the steps and onto the tarmac. She straightened at the sight of Lachlan and Callie standing by a black SUV, wearing civilian clothes.

  The change of outfit didn’t soften them a single bit. They still radiated badass vibes.

  Rowan’s gaze locked on Lachlan. He looked so good in his faded jeans and, this time, a tight, gray T-shirt. He also looked really unhappy.

  “Did you get the artifact?” Rowan asked.

  Lachlan’s mouth flattened. “No.”

  Her chest tightened. “What?”

  “We intercepted the plane just as it landed, but Airman Kowalski got away.”

  “How?” Nat asked.

  “We found an emergency door open at the back of the plane,” Callie said. “She somehow snuck off.”

  “Oh, no.” All Rowan could think about was that the artifact was out there, somewhere. And that someone with very bad intentions wanted to use it.

  For a second, she was back at the research base, the horror of the attack shuddering through her. Right at this moment, she better understood the importance of the work Team 52 did.

  “The others are out searching,” Lachlan continued. “Smith is a hell of a tracker, and Seth is good at asking questions and finding things.”

  Rowan nodded. “So, if the bad guys have the artifact, they won’t be interested in me, right?”

  Lachlan straightened. “I’m not taking any risks with your life.”

  His deep voice had warmth igniting in her belly. No one had really cared for her before. Her parents had made sure she was fed and educated, but that was about it. She’d bandaged her own skinned knees since she’d started school.

  “Okay,” she said.

  He leaned down, cupping her jaw. “Likely the focus is off you, but I’m not taking any chances. Now, I need to get back out there with the team. You’re staying with Natalie.”

  Rowan looked at the archeologist, who was grinning at them. Callie was pretending to stare off across the runways, but she was smiling too.

  Natalie winked. “Looks like I’m your tour guide and bodyguard.”

  Rowan raised her eyebrows. “You can fight in those heels?”

  The woman’s smile widened. “I can do anything in these heels.”

  Lachlan drove them to Natalie’s place, pulling up in front of the MGM Grand Casino.

  Rowan swiveled to look at the archeologist. “You live in a casino?”

  “Sure do. Twenty-four-hour room service, and someone else does all the cleaning. Besides, if I want some nightlife, it’s right out my front door.” Nat smiled. “There’s an amazing magic show on ice that’s on right now.”

  Lachlan led them into a tower that Nat explained was only for residents. They traveled up in the private elevator. The doors opened onto a stylish corridor lined by photographs of the desert. Nat led them into an apartment that was sleekly decorated, but accented with pops of color. There were gorgeous, hardwood floors with plush rugs, and, of course, a killer view. A huge vase of lilies dominated the black dining room table. It all suited Natalie.

  Lachlan made them wait in the entry while he quickly cleared the apartment. “Nat, I need to use your secure line to make a call.”

  “Sure.” The woman kicked off her heels and waved them into the living area. She grabbed a tablet and handed it to him.

  Curious, Rowan watched from the side as Lachlan put a video call through. A moment later, a woman’s beautiful face appeared. Her dark hair was cut in a sleek bob that skimmed her jaw.

  “Treasure Hunter Security.”

  “I need to talk with Declan Ward,” Lachlan said.

  The woman’s blue-gray eyes sharpened. “Who’s calling?”

  “An ally. I’m acquainted with Special Agent Burke from the FBI Art Crime Team.”

  Now, the woman’s eyes rolled. “I’m very sorry to hear that. Hang on.”

  A triangular logo appeared on the screen, but a second later, it blinked off and a man who was clearly a male version of the woman who’d answered appeared.

  “Ward,” the man said, his voice deep.

  “Ward, my name is Lachlan Hunter.”

  Ward stiffened. “Team 52. Recognize your voice.”

  Lachlan inclined his head.

  The man crossed his arms. “Still pissed at you about Africa.”

  “Which mission?”

  “Both of them.”

  Lachlan smiled. “Then it’s lucky me and my team saved your ass in Antarctica.”

  Antarctica? Rowan wondered what the hell a security company specializing in archeological digs was doing in Antarctica.

  “Why are you calling me?” Ward demanded.

  “I need any intel you have on the Red Wolves.”

  Ward grimaced. “Out-of-control bastards with outlandish ideas on how they’re helping the country by committing domestic terrorism. Bunch of conspiracy theorists. The more bizarre the idea, the more likely they’ll believe it.”

  Lachlan cursed under his breath.

  “You have a run in with them?” Ward asked.

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  “We tangled with them on a dig in New Mexico. They were after some artifacts. Not much thought goes into their plans. They’re messy, lack control and training, and their leadership is more concerned with themselves.”

  “So they’re unlikely to act behind the scenes, or take a more subtle approach?’

  “They wouldn’t know subtle if it stood in front of them and dropped its pants.”

  Lachlan nodded. “Thanks, Ward.”

  The man heaved out a breath. “Call me Declan.”

  “Declan. And thanks.”

  With a nod, Declan leaned forward and touched something. The screen went blank.

  “So the Red Wolves probably didn’t bribe Airman Kowalski and steal the artifact,” Nat mused.

  “I need to go.” Lachlan stood. “I’ll be back when I can.” He touched Rowan’s cheek, then strode away.

  She watched him walk to the door, her gaze drifting down to where his jeans hugged his very fine ass. The door closed behind him.

  “I’ve never seen Lachlan so…” Nat tapped a nail against her cheek. “Actually, I’ve never seen him with a woman, so I’ve never seen him like this at all.”


  “The man is a workaholic.” Nat detoured to the kitchen. She reached up and pulled out a bottle of red wine, then found some glasses.

  “Lachlan was the most important thing in my life when I was ten.” Rowan dropped onto the suede couch. “He listened. Truly listened. And he cared.”

  Nat handed her a glass of wine and sat. “He still does. I know he’s been through a lot. Force Recon doesn’t get the air time that the Navy SEALs do, but they’re just as skilled and their missions are just as dangerous.”

>   “They do similar stuff to the Navy SEALs?”

  Nat nodded. “Although they tend to be stealthier about it. Force Recon focuses on intelligence gathering, usually deep into enemy territory. They also specialize in unconventional special operations.”

  Rowan felt a lick of discomfort. “What’s that mean?”

  “I have no idea, but I know it’s dangerous, and Lachlan was very good at it.”

  And while doing it, he’d hardened, and he’d lost his arm. “I can tell.”

  “So good that even after he was injured and discharged, Jonah recruited him for Team 52.” Nat leaned back. “Ty gave Lachlan his high-tech arm.”

  “And Blair’s eye is a prosthetic.”

  Nat nodded. “All the team suffered various injuries that ended their military careers. They have scars—some more visible than others.”

  Rowan looked at her wine. “He scares me now. I mean, I know he’d never hurt me physically, but…”


  “He wouldn’t mean it, but yes. I can feel he holds himself back.” Rowan lifted her gaze. “I’ve lived with that all my life, my parents are…distant. I want more.”

  “He’s different with you,” the archeologist said quietly.

  Time to change the subject. “How did you come to join Team 52?”

  “I was working at Stanford.” Nat crossed her legs. “I specialized in studying various ancient cultures, but had a focus on megalithic prehistory.” She smiled. “I posted some…controversial theories under a pen name on a blog. I couldn’t have the conservative halls of academia finding out that I had some queries over strange artifacts and sites. I’d seen facts and dates that didn’t match up with the accepted theories and timelines on how civilization on our planet had evolved. Jonah discovered it and made me a job offer. It’s fascinating work.”

  “The mysterious Jonah,” Rowan murmured.

  “Now there is one gorgeous man…who scares the pants off me,” Nat said. “Thankfully, he’s an excellent boss.”

  Suddenly, the sound of smashing glass echoed from the hallway leading to the bedrooms. Rowan leaped to her feet, heart pounding. Nat jumped up, set her glass down on the side table, and yanked open a drawer. She pulled out a handgun.